特别推荐《防护工程》杂志刊号: 国际刊号:ISSN1674-1854 国内刊号:CN41-1365/TU邮发代 本刊由国家科技部(原国家科委)批准,新闻出版总署和总参兵种部政治部主管,中国工程建设研究总院联合总参工程兵科研三所主办,属于国家级TU建筑期刊。介绍建筑工程领域新技术、新工艺,反映建筑工程领域新成果、新进展,促进建筑工程行业交流,为推动我国建筑科学技术发展服务。主要服务对象是从事技术研究、研制、生产的科技工作者,科技管理工作者,工程技术工作者,立足全国技工程技术事业,面向全国工程技术事业,服务全国工程技术事业。国际标准刊号:ISSN 1674-1854 国内统一刊号:CN 41-1365/TU This print by the national Ministry of science and Technology (formerly the State Science and Technology Commission) approval, the General Administration of press and publication and the headquarters of the General Staff Corps Political Department of the Ministry in charge, China Engineering Construction Research Institute jointly sponsored by the General Staff Corps of Engineers researchthree, belong to the National TU architectural journals. The introduction of new technology and new process, the field of building engineering, reflect the newachievements, new progress in the field of building engineering, construction engineering industry to promote exchanges, to promote the development ofscience and technology service construction in our country. The main clients areengaged in technology research, development, production of science and technology workers, technical management personnel, engineering and technical workers, based on national technical engineering career, for the nationalengineering career, service national engineering career. The international standard serial number: ISSN 1674-1854 national unified publication date: CN41-1365/TU 中文科技期刊数据库收录期刊、中国科技论文统计源期刊、中国核心期刊(遴选)数据库收录期刊、中国学术期刊综合评价数据库来源期刊。刊物本着面向科技技术行业、工程技术行业,坚持从实际出发,实事求是,强调科学性和准确性。 Journals, Chinese science and technology papers statistical source journals,core journals of China included the Chinese science and technology periodical database (selection) journals, Chinese Academic Journal Comprehensive Evaluation Database origin periodical database. Journals according to thetechnology industry, engineering industry, insist on proceeding from reality andseeking truth from facts, emphasizing the importance of scientific and accuracy. 《防护工程》杂志版权声明: 请各位投稿作者注意,凡是投稿本站正在审核期的文章,请勿一稿多投,审稿期一般二个工作日以内,作者可以随时在本站上输入文章编号查询稿件审核情况。文章录用后,我站在通知作者的情况下有权适当修改文章,以便适应期刊的定位要求。